If you want to contribute without applying for any position... just do it!

Don’t ask for permissions. Lead discussions, bring interesting topics and research, help with initiative and propose the grants yourself. This will show your expertise in certain topics and move you up into the contributor circle. The main Gearbox DAO has all the links and resources. Meanwhile, devs are getting more busy, so scaling is needed!

Untitled Database

Compensation and Bonuses

Gearbox Protocol is transparent both in code and processes. On the DAO Initiatives & Cycles page (and then in Monthly Reports) you can gauge the relative USD(C) salaries and GEAR bonuses on top of that for different positions. Your concrete offer will depend on your experience and skills, but the pages will give you a round estimate of what numbers we work with.

How to apply

Fill the form https://forms.gle/AiqrXnpvgPa8f4ER7 and send there links to your CV, twitter profile, GitHub page, or anything that has details on what you worked on before. Whatever will help us prove your experience.

Good luck!