The KOLs who are ready to create and share the content through the docs you just read - will receive a dedicated referral link to send out along the content pieces. You can use the link separately to increase your referred degens. For more info on content, see:

KOL Program

<aside> 💰 Cool fact: if you bring in just $10M worth of capital, you can make > $50,000 passively. Meanwhile, your community would also be earning rewards for being LPs! Your rewards don’t come from dumping on retail or eating someone’s pie. It’s real $$.


How to get it? - Only for Approved KOLs

You can get a special unique on-chain identifier for yourself. By using that link with the identifier, all liquidity coming in through it to the protocol - will be noted as referred by you. It’s not anything like web2 companies use in their referrals, because this referral can be seen and tracked on-chain. As a result, gamification is not possible as the referral fee is:

<aside> 💡 To get a referral link, please ping on Discord. Just let us know somehow. Here.


Regular payout in real assets

Based on that, every few weeks or months a payout can be generated by a specific DAO committee overseeing this program. The payout will be in whatever asset you have earned capital in: that is WETH, WBTC, USDC, DAI, and whatever other liquidity pool Gearbox might have later:

<aside> 💡 With Gearbox Protocol, you earn x1.5 as much as Binance. And three times as much as FTX! And you don’t have to force your community members & fans to degenerate gamble: they just provide liquidity in a comfy and passive way - and earn APY.


PS: the sheet is approximate, because on exchanges you get based on your trading volume which can kind of be recycled with the same capital by being active. However, if you do that too much - your tier would then be degraded. So we took averages. Take it with a grain of salt.

Referral on $1M LP brought in *

*The numbers depend on the pool in question too. It is indeed true that DAO revenues are 50% and they are shared equally, but pools have different utilization metrics. See here.