This is the first update & spending report as the DAO got its own funds as per GIP-10. Contributors on the list were approved and confirmed by GIP-14, see on forum.

Here is medium update with all the events & context around the work done:

DAO Monthly Update: July 2022


<aside> 💡 Insert your % of full-time work for the month of July. Column “FILL IN” is essentially the percentage % but as a multiplier, so that the sheet calculates the USD and the token outputs. So if it’s 100% = 1, while 60% = 0.6.


Summary of Expenditures

1. Contributor Self-Reporting

July payment transaction: 0x4065bcfc7d09600cdb55ca83129320224d08b67c2088325c37b269c2a0739481

Also, as per GIP-14, some outstanding invoices have been as follows.

2. Previous Contributor Compensations

TX: 0x4065bcfc7d09600cdb55ca83129320224d08b67c2088325c37b269c2a0739481

  1. The spending has also included costs [$240,000 while $120,000 only is released at this stage pending full audit report] **GIP-12** for a Consensys Diligence full audit of V2 contracts. The other audits (pending final reports by Sigma Prime and Chain Security) were pre-funded by ex-core remaining funds, and do not require DAO spending. tx/0x4de4828a4b4de74c2cb5fd6ec6caea39a5092c08f12ccb715d95bcd9112ccf0d
  2. The spending (or rather, pre-funding further spending) was issued by the main DAO into VIBES marketing metaDAO (pod/subDAO) committee, as per GIP-13. That was $50,000 USDC and 10,000,000 in GEAR. That spending should suffice for Q3 at minimum. tx/0x41bf0d6cdb3635c86f4fefee914a798b46ca0d2a30468a15b4c02f3fc39c88aa
  3. The spending also reflected some GEAR rewards for tech multisig signers, as per GIP-11 which set up the motion to reward signers every now and then, as it’s not an easy job.

5. GIP-11 Tech Multisig Rewards

TX: 0x3630a8048a6212eb77751cad481601a193349c763620458bc062a277e1656bd2