Here is medium update with all the events & context around the work done:

Monthly DAO Update: October 2022

Big V2 Update:

Product Evolution V2. Gearbox Protocol from 1 to 2: Going Further!


<aside> 💡 Insert your % of full-time work for the month of October. Column “FILL IN” is essentially the percentage % but as a multiplier, so that the sheet calculates the USD and the token outputs. So if it’s 100% = 1, while 60% = 0.6.


Contributor Self-Reporting

October payment transactions: 0x2c552bf0a36448d7442fe7541a8065feea8ec0a90d4604609ad0ccb69e16f061 0xe6d3af2987a0d6651d87899c15dbbed1bc3ee8927899f5bd57f244b75f08b6ee

Some extra noted to the above: