Here is medium update with all the events & context around the work done:

Monthly DAO Update: September 2022


<aside> 💡 Insert your % of full-time work for the month of September. Column “FILL IN” is essentially the percentage % but as a multiplier, so that the sheet calculates the USD and the token outputs. So if it’s 100% = 1, while 60% = 0.6.


Contributor Self-Reporting

September payment transaction: 0xD3C2F6DAF68527C8F6AA21E7732ACD0977624BFD843C6EC7AE094DC936FA8C0A

Keep in mind that some members filled in their work capacity after the deadline, so what was missed in September - will be covered during October expenditures. Also in this TX there is a payment for the work of AURUM for the implementation of the KYC service.

payment to Aurum for KYC checks

That’s it for September! As always, find all the links in docs or on the main page:

Gearbox DAO